About Me 

I retired from my job as an educator and campus technology specialist in 2018! I am currently the author of the podcast, "Five Minutes in the Word."  The podcast is available on several platforms: Spotify, Apple Podcast, Google Podcast and more!  I also am an amateur photography.  I am also an Avon representative. 

My site has change from one for my students to one for those who need help with media: Web site design, photography for their Web sites; understanding how to set up Google search words for Web site, and more. 

​"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to ​prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." ~Jeremiah 29: 11 NIV

We are about to embark on another adventure!  It has been a pleasure being a part of the dynamic ministry of Eastern Star Baptist Church.  Thank you for allowing me to be me.  I did not have to fit any mold or fill the shoes of another.  One of my former students would tells me often that I’m like no other Pastor’s wife that he has ever met.  And he also says it because of the people of ESBC, the “Star.”

Now, for a little about me, Hope Winnifred Myles Scott.  Some of y’all did not even know that the ‘W’ stands for Winnifred, which was shortened to Winnie by my aunts and uncles, ‘granny’ and ‘cookie’ by my grandparents. 

God has plans for my life that I cannot fathom! He orders my existence to this very present moment. God has taken messes I have made when I made plans, not thinking of my relationship with the Master ... and brought order and peace.

I was born in Houston on November 28th to Oscar Charles Myles and Shirley Mae Lavergne Myles. My birth was as God planned. My mother thought she had indigestion, but it was me, anxiously awaiting my arrival into the world. I know I gave her more than indigestion and heartaches during my growing up years, but again, God has plans for my life.

I grew up in Houston, Texas and Opelousas, Louisiana. I graduated from Plaisance High School in 1973. I had great plans to go to college and be a great lawyer. But, this did not happen as I planned. I started college and did not finish, at least, not on time, due to some of the messes and misses I mentioned earlier. But God has a plan for my life.

I met and married Lloyd Wayne Scott in May of 1977. This marriage was also as God planned, I did not know Lloyd, but he knew of me. He and my brother were friends. Rumor had it that he told my brother, Oscar, that he would marry me ... God's plan.

We are blessed with four children, all of whom are saved and filled with God's Holy Spirit, Samuel, Michael (Tonia), Lloyd, Jr. (Charlotte), and Bridget. This, again, is God's plan for me. I did not imagine myself with children at all and my husband wanted 13! We are also blessed with eleven grandchildren. Thank God for His plans for my life.

God declares that He know the plans He has for me, plans to prosper me and not to harm me. As I look over my life, I can attest to that. God has given my life direction, even when I did not understand what He was doing or where He was taking me. God also declares that He has plans to give me hope and a future. Thanks to the encouragement I receive from my husband (who had to do most of the cooking and put up with my late nights of studying) and children, my late parents, and my ESBC family, I pursued and completed my college degree! Again, just as God planned. My fear of failure did not allow me to dream that I would ever complete a task that was started in 1973. It took me until 1998 to earn my Bachelor's degree and 2011 to earn my Master's in Educational Technology. I also received state certification as a Master Reading teacher.

I was talked into helping with ESBC's Media Ministry by Sis. Gilda Anderson. This is a position that I absolutely love. Now that our services are live and virtual, we can see why that vision was so important! We are the eyes and ears of those who cannot make it to church but want to hear God’s Word from their Pastor and Leaders. Working with the Media Ministry also gives me the opportunity to maintain the church website and Facebook page.  Do check out the site: http://esbcpatx.org.  It will be turned over to others who I’m confident will do an excellent job.

Rev tells everyone that I'm allergic to the kitchen.  Actually, he loves to cook, so I stay out of the way and let him do what he does so well!!!  He doesn’t tell them that I am the designated cleaner behind his big messes.

I thank God for His plans for my life. Those plans allowed us to face the unimaginable in 2017, a devastating hurricane and unforeseen challenges to our ministry and marriage.  But God. 

In May 2019 I retired from Port Arthur ISD after 21 years!  I taught Web Design and served as campus technology specialist/webmaster at Memorial High School. Click the link to view some of my student sites (some may no longer be available). I am a proud member of the National Sorority of Phi Delta Kappa.  Since retirement, I am serving on the executive board of the Port Arthur City Council of PTAs, I have just been elected/volunteered/begged to be secretary of the Port Arthur Retired School Personnel (TRTA).  I serve as the Retirement Education chair for Region 5 Texas Association of Retired Teachers (TSTA). I am also on the executive board of Gulf Coast Health Center.  I consult on with a couple of organizations helping with their websites.  My latest venture is podcasting.  I created the podcast, Five Minutes in the Word, as a way for listeners to hear inspirational scriptures for time of prayer and meditation. The podcast is now heard daily on Kingdom Praise Online Radio at 6:00 am CST! 

I thank Him that Eastern Star Baptist Church is an integral part of His plan for my life for 33 years. That is half my age at this time!  Thank God for your love and encouragement, your prayers and support. My prayer is that you will allow God to do what He does best, order your steps so that He can BLESS you!

Our retirement bulletin. 

 ​~hws | June 2022 Copied from Eastern Star Baptist Church