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This blog was created for coursework for my Master of Education in Educational Leadership in 2011. 
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Showing category "teaching with technology" (Show all posts)

Final Reflections - Teaching with Technology

Posted by Hope Scott on Monday, March 28, 2011, In : teaching with technology 
Final Reflections - Teaching with Technology
The course, Teaching with Technology, has taught me how to integrate technology in all aspects of education for all students. I teach technology, so, for me, technology is integrated in every aspect of my class from daily blogs to exams. I have drug a few of my fellow technology teachers along in that they are now paperless, as I am. But, even as I work with technology each and everyday, I did not consider the students in my class or school who str...
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Week 5 Reflections

Posted by Hope Scott on Sunday, March 27, 2011, In : teaching with technology 
Week 5 Reflections

"The kind of schooling that requires knowing a lot of facts but does not provide the ability to solve problems with the facts is on its last legs. Innovation and creativity are required, to survive in a developed country, outside of low level service work, for all who plan to work in an ever changing global market. Video games put you in an environment where you must solve problems. Games do not separate learning from assessment; they give feedback to the learning curve you ...

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Week 4 Reflections

Posted by Hope Scott on Saturday, March 19, 2011, In : teaching with technology 

Week 4 Reflections

I like the videos assigned this week! I especially enjoyed the interview with Larry Rosenstock[1]. I viewed this particular video several times, not just to get quotes correct, but because the content is powerful. His point of view is very unique to education as I know it. Rosenstock understands that technology and academics can co-exist. He feels that we should not have a non-college bound track. I tend to agree with him; one of my friends was a special needs counselor a...
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Week 3 Reflections

Posted by Hope Scott on Monday, March 14, 2011, In : teaching with technology 

Reflections - Week 3

This week was extremely trying because it is our spring break. I had to try to stay focused, especially since others were depending upon me to do my part of the lesson. I re-worked my curriculum for How Coyote Stole Fire using Cast UDL Book Builder Web site. "Universal Design for Learning is a set of principles for curriculum development that give all individuals equal opportunities to learn. UDL provides a blueprint for creating instructional goals, methods, materials, an...
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Reflections - Creating an E-Book using Book Builder

Posted by Hope Scott on Saturday, March 12, 2011, In : teaching with technology 

Reflections - Creating an E-Book using Book Builder

The e-book was challenging to create. I tried to use all elements suggested in Book Builder as I designed each page. My task was to write for blind and hearing impaired students. I focused on finding sound clips to add to my story. This is not easy! There are a few places that offer sound clips free of charge. Those places do not have the sounds I needed. I worked on the project for about five hours once I decided on the concept. I also lo...

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Reflections - Creating Curriculum Using CAST Lesson Builder

Posted by Hope Scott on Saturday, March 12, 2011, In : teaching with technology 

Reflections - Creating Curriculum Using CAST Lesson Builder

This week I re-worked my curriculum for How Coyote Stole Fire using CAST's Lesson Builder Web site. "Universal Design for Learning is a set of principles for curriculum development that give all individuals equal opportunities to learn. UDL provides a blueprint for creating instructional goals, methods, materials, and assessments that work for everyone--not a single, one-size-fits-all solution but rather flexible approaches that can...

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Are We Teaching Every Student?

Posted by Hope Scott on Saturday, March 5, 2011, In : teaching with technology 

Do we meet the needs of all of our students?  That is a question that plagues educators, whether they admit it or not.  "The challenge posed by greater diversity and greater accountability is to enable students with widely divergent needs, skills, and interests to attain the same high standards. "(Rose and Myer, 2002.)  As I reflect upon the diversity of our campus, I feel that sometimes we forget that we do have high standards to attain.  The needs of our students are as divergent or differe...
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Reflection: Constructivism, Connectivism, and Cyborg Theories

Posted by Hope Scott on Sunday, February 27, 2011, In : teaching with technology 

Constructivism, Connectivism, and Cyborg Theories.

I watched three videos that discussed these theories. Most in education, including me, are acquainted with Constructivism as taught by Vygotsky. The other theories, Connectivism and Cyborg, were foreign to me.

Constructivism Theory suggest that we construct learning by actively being involved in learning[1]. This notion is counter to traditional learning theories where teachers impart knowledge while students sit and listen. Constructi...

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 Internship Portfolio created using Google sites

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About Me

Hope Scott I am a Web Technologies teacher. I created this blog as part of my Master of Education in Educational Technology Leadership for Lamar University, Beaumont, Texas.

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