Web Design and Media Services

This blog was created for coursework for my Master of Education in Educational Leadership in 2011. 
Some content is no longer available.  

Relax to Nirvana Radio. The most relaxing music on the web.
Nirvana Radio - Music for Meditation and Relaxation

Podcast: How to Edit Movies Using Cyberlink DVD Suite Deluxe 


Creative Commons License
Podcast: Edit Movies Using Cyberlink is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 United States License.

Showing category "multimedia and video technology" (Show all posts)

Reflections | Post-Production PSA

Posted by Hope Scott on Tuesday, September 28, 2010, In : multimedia and video technology 

Our group worked together to create a PSA that is relevant and practical.  We all worked on voice-over narrations and finally chose narrations recorded by me and Jack Robertson.  We re-worked the opening scene because it was a little dark in a macabre way, shot one, was shot and edited; entire video was pieced together and edited along with voice-over narrations,  background music, and scrolling end credits.  The four of us on this team have communicated through our group wiki, trading ideas ...

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Reflections | Multimedia and Video Technology

Posted by Hope Scott on Tuesday, September 28, 2010, In : multimedia and video technology 

The outcomes I envisioned for Multimedia and Video Technology does not match the information I have gained.  When I looked at the pre-course self evaluation, I realized that there is a lot I did not know about multimedia and video technology.  As a matter of fact, my total score was 24.  The outcomes far exceeded my expectations.  I envisioned learning how to do more with video editing.  I did not know I would learn the following skills:

  • instructional design skills to determine the go...

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Reflections on Video Editing Programs

Posted by Hope Scott on Monday, September 6, 2010, In : multimedia and video technology 

"Whether you’re creating a Hollywood feature film or tightening a vacation video, the challenge is to take raw footage and within the limitation of equipment and budget, transform it into something compelling and watchable (Lonquist, 1994)."

I found this quote memorable because I 'try' to edit videos of our Sunday worship services. I do try to transform what I have captured, raw video, into something compelling and watchable. This quote validates what I try to do with our worship video...

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PhotoStory Project

Posted by Hope Scott on Monday, August 30, 2010, In : multimedia and video technology 
Creating a personal digital story was a new experience for me.  The process of writing a script helped to focus on what I wanted to say.  Having a time limit kept me from adding too many unneccessary details to my stoy.  When I wrote my script, I wrote down everygthing I wanted to say. 
My first process was to decide what my story would be about.  Then I found the images I wanted to use.  As I wrote the script, I played in my mind, what I wanted to see.  After finding the pictures, I placed th...
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 Internship Portfolio created using Google sites

UDL Lesson Builder_hws.pdf UDL Lesson Builder_hws.pdf
Size : 128.062 Kb
Type : pdf
newsletter_publication.pdf newsletter_publication.pdf
Size : 538.358 Kb
Type : pdf
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About Me

Hope Scott I am a Web Technologies teacher. I created this blog as part of my Master of Education in Educational Technology Leadership for Lamar University, Beaumont, Texas.

  © 2009 Site designed by Hope Scott  | Background Design created by Caedes 

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