Web Design and Media Services

This blog was created for coursework for my Master of Education in Educational Leadership in 2011. 
Some content is no longer available.  

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Podcast: How to Edit Movies Using Cyberlink DVD Suite Deluxe 


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Showing category "digital graphics" (Show all posts)

Reflections - Digital Graphics, Animation, and Desktop Publishing

Posted by Hope Scott on Monday, December 20, 2010, In : digital graphics 

The assignments for Digital Graphics, Animation, and Desktop Publishing were fun to create though some were challenging. 

The first project was to create my "personal brand."  I was able to work on the logo for my side-business, my travel agency.  I think I liked this project because it forced me to focus on a project I started at least a year ago.  It also forced me to focus on adjectives that describes me.  I learned how to apply the elements of design to creating a logo.  I teach the ele...

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Creaing a Personal Plan for Implementing Technology

Posted by Hope Scott on Sunday, December 19, 2010, In : digital graphics 
Today's classrooms are becoming more academically diverse in most regions of the United States (and elsewhere, for that matter). Many, if not most, classrooms contain students representing both genders and multiple cultures, frequently include students who do not speak English as a first language, and generally contain students with a range of exceptionalities and markedly different experiential backgrounds. These students almost certainly work at differing readiness levels, have varying inte...
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Reflection: Gaming in the Classroom

Posted by Hope Scott on Wednesday, December 15, 2010, In : digital graphics 
There is skepticism in the educational community regarding the applicability of gaming to education. Games have been shown, in numerous studies and in homes across America, to both excite and motivate students. What impact does this have on the education community?
The education community seems to be asleep at the wheel when it comes to gaming. I do not think that teachers like the idea of allowing students to play "games" in class. Many of the old-school principals are not tech-savvy; their y...
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Reflections: Creating a Newsletter

Posted by Hope Scott on Sunday, December 12, 2010, In : digital graphics 
This has been a challenging process.  I know that I am good with computers.  I even know how to construct and edit a letter. But, a newsletter is a totally different.  I had to consider elements of design in the process of creating my newsletter.  I chose to create a travel related newsletter.  The name is "Myles Travelogue."  I used MS-Publisher to create the newsletter. I started with a blank publication, though I had to refer to the template to get a feel for how to set it up.  I then had ...
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Reflections: Creating an Animation

Posted by Hope Scott on Sunday, December 12, 2010, In : digital graphics 
Creating animations for this week was a little taxing.  First I searched for free animation software.  I decided to use the software found on http://scratch.mit.edu.  I had to download the program to my computer, which I hate to do ... I have so many programs on my computer that I am not using.  I then viewed some of the tutorial available on the scratch site.  After looking at the tutorial, which seem to have been created by kids and made me feel even more stupid because I could not create s...
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Reflections: Creating a Personal Brand

Posted by Hope Scott on Monday, December 6, 2010, In : digital graphics 
My list words that describes: Happy, content, motivated, loner, quiet, reflective, entrepreneurial, independent, traveler, stable.
My goal in creating the design: My goal was to create a logo my travel site. The logo should be sleek and have travel themes without being too prefabricated. I wanted my logo to incorporate rest, relaxation, flair, and be whimsical. I wanted to say all this with pictures.
The elements of good design included: The elements I tried to incorporate included the followi...
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 Internship Portfolio created using Google sites

UDL Lesson Builder_hws.pdf UDL Lesson Builder_hws.pdf
Size : 128.062 Kb
Type : pdf
newsletter_publication.pdf newsletter_publication.pdf
Size : 538.358 Kb
Type : pdf
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About Me

Hope Scott I am a Web Technologies teacher. I created this blog as part of my Master of Education in Educational Technology Leadership for Lamar University, Beaumont, Texas.

  © 2009 Site designed by Hope Scott  | Background Design created by Caedes 

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